
What To Do If Everything Annoys You?

What causes irritability? Sometimes it is enough to inflate a balloon in order to calm down. But if irritability does not let go for a long time, this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

In this article we are talking about relationships with oneself and others. If this topic is close to you, share your story or opinions in the comments.

You leave your place in the morning and nag because of slush on the street. On the way to the bus stop, you begin to get angry with smokers who envelop you with cigarette smoke. At the bus stop you slowly start to boil because the bus is late for a few minutes. Once finally inside the bus, you are literally shaking with anger because there are so many people around: everyone is talking, listening to music, rustling with their packages and hurting you with their elbows.

On the way, you, of course, are infuriated because of the damned traffic jams; coming to work you are annoyed because the janitor in the office did not clean up the floor under your table, too much mail came and you’ve got plenty of new tasks. Besides that they cooked these stupid cutlets in the canteen; and your colleague went home 10 minutes before the end of the working day without explanations.

And so it is constantly, from morning to evening, from Monday to Sunday, you get irritated all the time. Is this picture familiar to you? Let’s understand how to get out of this state.

Analyze what exactly makes you mad.

If you are constantly annoyed and it seems to you that literally everything in the world can bring you out of control, it may be an illusion. It is likely that you are angry with some definite things, and only then your bad mood spreads elsewhere.

Once in relaxed atmosphere, try to ask yourself what is usually annoying you most of all, what is that you are dissatisfied with in your life and what would you like to get rid of?

Maybe these are traffic jams - because you have to wait, you are afraid of being late, to get anxious from people surrounding you, and you can not influence the situation at the same time. Or maybe crowded transport causes the attacks of anger: you feel uncomfortable, there is no air to breathe, and people are pushing around.

Or everything is somewhat deeper and you can't endure your work, and therefore even getting to it is annoying you. But on weekends, when you do not need to go anywhere, you feel excellent.

It is useful to determine specific triggers to continue working with your condition. A diary of emotions, where you will briefly write several times a day what you feel and what events caused these feelings, may help. It is better to note your physical condition, the menstrual phase, the quality of sleep, sports training - so cause-effect relationship will become clearer for you.

Work with annoying factors.

    If you already know exactly what infuriates you, you have three ways to influence the situation in general:
  • try to change it so that it becomes easier;
  • leave;
  • accept everything as it is and try to change your attitude towards it.

This is how it may look in specific circumstances.

What annoys you? Public transport, traffic jams, crowds of people. Solution: Find a job within walking distance from the house; move closer to the current work; choose remote work.

What annoys you? Neighbors with perforators, barking dogs, screaming children. Solution: Spend money on perfect soundproofing; move to a private house where no one except you will drill and make noise.

What annoys you? Garbage scattered in the neighboring park. Solution: Remind the managing company of their duties more often; spread announcements calling for order around the house; arrange a “clean-up weekend” with your neighbors.

What annoys you? Your loved one does not twist the cap from the toothpaste. Solution: Strip a note with a reminder on the mirror; buy toothpaste with a fixating cap.

You need to decide what is more comfortable for you. It is possible that it will be easier to fully remove the irritant from your life than to accept it.

Learn to let your emotions out.

At the time when irritation overtakes you, psychologists recommend to give it a non-destructive way out in order not to harm yourself and others, do not quarrel with anyone and do not make mistakes.

    Here are some options:
  • Go in for sports. Arrange at least a short jog or make several pushups. Different studies in small groups show that exercise helps people cope with anger and irritation.
  • Let the negative out on paper. Describe in detail what infuriates you, why and why are all the people around you disgusting.
  • Start the cleaning. Repeating movements, water noise, and visible result - all this can help calm down.
  • Inflate a balloon. It is a simple and more fascinating alternative to respiratory exercises, which are difficult to perform in irritable state.
  • Occupy your hands and brain. The game on the phone, knitting, drawing - try anything that will help you distract.
  • Go outside. An energetic walk in the fresh air will give a way out to your energy, will help you distract and sort out your thoughts.
  • Talk to someone. It's great if you have a close person whom you can call and complain about how sick you are of everything.
  • Spend some time alone. It's very good, if you can go into a separate room, where it is quiet, so that you can catch your breath and calm down there.

Sort out the psychological reasons for your frustration.

    Irritability may be associated with your internal experiences and guidelines. Such as, for example:
  • You are stuck in toxic relationships.
  • Your personal boundaries are systematically violated.
  • You are not satisfied with what you do.
  • You suffer from perfectionism and try to do everything perfectly.
  • You do not devote time to yourself and your desires.
  • You have an emotional burnout.

Any of these reasons is quite serious and requires much attention. With some of them you can cope on your own, and if not, think about contacting a psychologist. Especially look at the specialists who work in a cognitive behavioral approach. It is considered effective for managing anger and irritability.

Undergo complete medical examination.

Irritability is a normal feeling and every person feels it from time to time. But if the state of "everything infuriates me" has become your permanent companion, causes you tangible discomfort and prevents you from interacting with people, it may be time to pay attention to your health.

    In chronic irritability there are several biological reasons, from harmless to extremely serious:
  • stress;
  • anxiety;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • menopause;
  • bipolar affective disorder;
  • depression;
  • schizophrenia;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism (redundancy of the thyroid gland);
  • polycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • insomnia and sleep deprivation;
  • pronounced fatigue;
  • toothache;
  • migraine;
  • reduced blood sugar level;
  • acute respiratory disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • withdrawal syndrome when quitting smoking, alcohol or caffeine.

Some of these states are easy to diagnose on your own and even eliminate them. Most likely, you do not need to go to the doctor to understand that you are tired, you have not slept or your period is due to begin in a couple of days.

If you are constantly annoyed and you do not find external reasons for this, you should consult your doctor or several specialists: therapist, neurologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist. Experts will conduct a primary inspection, appoint instrumental or laboratory surveys and will try to find reasons for your prolonged irritation.

It is especially important to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you have not only irritability among the symptoms, but also physical signs: pain, shortness of breath, sweating, constant thirst, rapid heartbeat, sharp weight gaining or weight loss.

Mitigating the problem.

If you can not get rid of annoying factors, and you have to deal with them constantly, look for ways to make the situation more pleasant for you.

For example, leave the house earlier and listen to audiobooks or podcasts in the underground. This way carried away by the plot, you will notice less people around and will not pay too much attention to them. Take some drawings, knitting or a book with you, if you know that you will have to wait, and this infuriates you.

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