10 habits that lead to poverty.
Wealth cannot be equated with happiness. But it is wealth that makes people feel valued, appreciated, respected, and influential! And most importantly, wealth allows a person to be free in what he does.
Many articles have been written on how to achieve success, how to get rich and get rid of material and financial problems. Let's take a look at this problem from a different angle! Let's try to identify ten habits that are signs that you will probably live in poverty.
1. Feelings of self-regret.
Poverty-minded people feel sorry for themselves and believe that they are not destined to be rich. Someone pities herself for being born a woman (because they think that men have more opportunities), someone pities himself for a chubby figure (because slender people get better jobs), someone mourns their height, nationality, skin color, the religion of ancestors, some people feel sorry for themselves that they have not got married yet, others cry because of the ring on their finger or because of the divorce stamp, young people see the source of problems in inexperience, the elderly - in their age. What do you think, if a person feels sorry for himself because of some unimportant fact and focuses on it all day, what will the people around him do? Feeling sorry for yourself is a great way to find a multi-ton anchor that will stop you on the path of personal development and ensure eternal poverty. Self-pity is the best method for finding low-paid jobs and finding a miserable existence.
2. Greed.
Constant search for a price tag with the inscription "Discount" and a store with a banner "Sale", unwillingness to pay for a good education of your children (because no one helped you), the desire to force employees of your own company to work as much as possible for as little money as possible - these are the right signs that you already have a second habit of poor people. The desire for total savings is not a sign of wisdom, but an indicator that you are experiencing an imbalance of income and expenses and are approaching its resolution from the wrong side. A person programmed for wealth is ready to pay their real value for things and reward the work of his helpers generously - and expects the same from others.
3. Doing things that you hate.
Kate hates washing dishes, but no one wants to help her. Ivan hates walking the dog, but is too lazy to build an enclosure for it. Jack is furious with the need to make a quarterly report, but none of his deputies is able to do this. Lisa despises the work of an auditor, but this is the only way she can pay for the loan she took to buy a car last summer. All these people are ready for failure and poverty - the reason for this is the feeling that they have to do unpleasant deeds. The key to escaping the poor person's third habit is not to do what is needed, but what is most satisfying. Only in this area will you achieve great results!
4. Measuring success with money.
The poor person is sure that only the possession of a certain amount of money can bring him joy. Only a certain amount in a bank account can give him the opportunity to feel happiness thanks to designer clothes, a beautiful mansion, traveling, independence from husband or parents, or leaving work. But practice shows that happiness never comes. A successful person measures happiness in units that are more significant than dollars, euros, or yuan. In what it is exactly - everyone decides for himself.
5. Spending more money than you can afford.
Credit cards and smiling bank employees will be happy to help you find yourself in a money pit. After all, a person who does not want to become successful does not want to understand the difference between a useful loan taken for the development of his own business and a disastrous loan for the purchase of a luxury foreign car or a huge mansion.
6. Choosing instant benefits.
The desire to receive immediately and to the maximum is an eternal feature of poor people. They are not able to understand that, getting a job with an average salary in a reputable company, you can have much more in a few years than if you pay attention only to how much you get in a month. Students who are ready for failure say that the institute/university only takes away their time, which could have been spent on "earning profits."
7. Whimpering.
Is life hard? Just awful? There is discrimination, corruption, rudeness, crime all around – and you, a normal person, have no path to success? Every potential loser will agree with all of this. Creativity is the vaccine against this habit. Find unique opportunities to fight the vices of the external environment, emerge victorious from an initially unfavorable situation for you!
8. Comparing yourself to others.
Peter thinks that he is better than his classmates, because he is the only one who graduated from the eighth grade with excellent marks. Tom is sure that he is the worst of all his friends, because he is the only one who does not work during the summer holidays. Mike despises his brother, because he does not yet have the Lexus that Mike acquired yesterday. And Lena wants to strangle her girlfriend, because she has more admirers. All of these people have a well-developed loser habit - the tendency to compare themselves to others. Think about whether you need this habit or is it better not to allow the outside world to seize control over your inner world?
9. Measuring wealth with money.
Truly rich people not only severed the link between happiness and banknotes (getting rid of the fourth habit of the poor), but also crossed out the equal sign between the size of the account and the concept of wealth. Real wealth is the ability to attract money, create it from scratch, organize new types of business - and then you are not afraid of any taxes, robbery or stolen credit card numbers. A truly successful person does not depend on the volume of his own bag of gold.
10. Isolating yourself from your own family.
Sometimes poorest people come from those who move away from their own family, explaining this by the unwillingness of its members to support them in difficult times, borrow money, understand, share beliefs, and the like. They don't understand that the family is a great source of inner support to turn to when there is nothing else left in all other areas of life. Only the love of loved ones can help a person rise from knees, when there is no hope left - and then true greatness is achieved.
And let your acquaintance with these ten habits be limited to the text of this article.