Signs and superstitions about spathiphyllum

Do you know what flower people romantically call "female happiness"? This is a spathiphyllum (peace lily), signs and superstitions about which are always associated with personal life. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to keep such a plant at home, what it symbolizes and how to attract good luck in love to your side with the help of this beautiful flower.
Can you keep spathiphyllum at home?

Signs and superstitions about the spathiphyllum in the house can be divided into several categories: there are different beliefs associated with having a peace lily in the home of a single woman, a man and a married couple. But first, it’s worth figuring out whether it is possible to keep spathiphyllum as a houseplant at all. If many people are afraid to plant ficus Benjamina at home because of its rather poisonous juice, spathiphyllum is considered a much safer plant.
The only thing it can't stand is bad energy. A plant can die quite quickly if quarrels, scandals often occur in the family, or an unfriendly, difficult atmosphere simply reigns there. Therefore, if you are in doubt whether you should keep a spathiphyllum at home, the sign advises you to think carefully: it is believed that a withered flower takes family happiness with it.
A bit of mythology about peace lily

Signs about spathiphyllum or “female happiness”, as this plant is called, appeared, of course, not from scratch. There is an interesting ancient Greek myth about how Astarte - the goddess of love - on the day of her own wedding, gave an ordinary earthly girl a beautiful white flower, which she endowed with magical properties - to give happiness in her personal life to all women caring for the plant with care and love. Since then, this flower has been called “female happiness”. And we will now consider in more detail the signs and superstitions associated with it.
Spathiphyllum omens for unmarried women
It is believed that single women who want to meet their significant other should definitely keep such a flower at home and take care of it cherishingly. If the owner likes the plant, it will make the girl more attractive in the eyes of young people, which means it will increase the chance of arranging her personal life.
If a woman is left alone after a divorce or parting with her beloved, spathiphyllum will help her survive depression quickly and open up to a new feeling.
If the personal life is in order, but the young man still does not make the marriage proposal, it is necessary that any man who is a blood relative give this flower to the woman. If the plant takes root, there will soon be a wedding, and if it withers, alas, you will not be able to build a family life with your chosen one.
Peace lily signs for men
As you can see, signs and superstitions about spathiphyllum for women are quite positive. And what can be said about men? It is believed that any man can test the feelings of his partner by giving her this flower. But after a week or two, you definitely need to visit your beloved to look at the condition of the plant. If the spathiphyllum has taken root and feels good, this means the girl’s feelings are sincere and strong, and if it withered, or got dry, most likely, love has passed.
Spathiphyllum signs for the family

If you plant “female happiness” in the house where a married couple lives, relations between spouses will become stronger and stronger; and petty quarrels will soon disappear altogether. Some women even bring this plant home on purpose so that the husbands stop cheating on them. If there are several such plants in the house, all family members will be happy.
There are signs and superstitions about the spathiphyllum flower and pregnancy. It is believed that the changed shape of the flower - when it becomes more rounded - portends the imminent replenishment of the family. By the way, while carrying a child, it is also useful to spend time next to “female happiness” - the flower will ensure an easy pregnancy, relieve possible complications and facilitate the birth process.
Magical rites with spatiphyllum
There are two special rites associated with the magical power of this plant. It is believed that in order to attract love, you need to put a spatiphyllum pot on the windowsill during the waxing moon on the night from Thursday to Friday so that moonlight falls on it. And then, inhaling the aroma of a flower, ask the patroness of female happiness - the goddess Astarte, to fulfill your cherished desire related to relationships. On the next full moon exactly at midnight, you need to light a candle near the plant and let it burn out completely, and when the new moon shines in the sky, repeat the ritual with a request. If the woman does everything right, then during the next lunar cycle she will definitely meet the person of her dreams.
Among the signs and superstitions about the spathiphyllum flower, there is also a legend that the plant is able to attract monetary luck. In order to get rich, you need to put a pot with a plant in the room where you keep your savings, and put a golden coin of any denomination under it. The spathiphyllum itself must be tied with a green ribbon, on which any small key should be fixed. Every day, ask such a decorated flower for help in financial matters, and when the plant blooms, change the green ribbon to a similar red one using the same key, and expect monetary luck in the very near future.
Simple rules about spatiphyllum
- Spathiphyllum will surely bring happiness and prosperity to your home if you care for it properly.
- It is best if the flower appears in the house as a gift for some holiday.
- A single girl can buy it herself, but it should be on the "women's" day of the week (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), paying a little more for the purchase than they ask, without taking the change.
- Water the plant in time, wipe the leaves from dust, talk to it.
- Never give someone, even loved ones, your own plant. If you want to make such a gift, buy a new one, otherwise you can lose the well-being of your own family.