
Pedilanthus: properties and superstitions.

Pedilanthus Titimaloid is familiar to many amateur flower growers. At first glance, this herbaceous plant can be mistaken for an artificial flower: the leaves of a bizarre color shine as if they had been rubbed with wax, and the inflorescences, pleasing with a rich palette of shades of red, look like ladies' shoes.

Among the people, Pedilanthus has two contradictory names: some call it "Jacob's ladder", implying a biblical story, and others call it "the devil's backbone." Based on the names, it is easy to guess that the omens and superstitions about Pedilanthus Titimaloid (this particular variety can most often be found on the windowsills of houses and offices) have a wide range from favorable to frankly frightening. Therefore, some gardeners strongly advise not to plant these extraordinary plants in the house. Is the flower really that dangerous? The topic of our article is the advantages and disadvantages of Pedilanthus.

Pedilanthus Titimaloid: useful and harmful properties

First, let's figure out what biologists say about the plant.

    Scientific research has long and reliably established that Pedilanthus has a beneficial effect on "their" household members:
  • actively produces oxygen, purifies the air;
  • nature endowed pedilanthus with protective properties, thanks to which the flower effectively disinfects the space around it: its leaves secrete essential oils that act as an antiseptic;
  • the plant has a high ability to absorb toxins;
  • in the homeland of pedilanthus, its juice is used in medicine as a basis for the preparation of certain medicines.
    Along with this, justifying its ambiguous reputation, Pedilanthus Titimaloid also has negative properties:
  • you should not allow the caustic sap of the plant to get on open wounds, sores, otherwise irritation is ensured;
  • care must be taken that children and pets cannot get to the bush of pedilantus - an eaten piece of a leaf can cause not fatal, but rather severe poisoning: nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal problems.

Despite some of the dangers associated with caring for pedilanthus, it successfully competes with other indoor plants due to its decorative properties that can revitalize any interior.

And now let's see what esotericists and connoisseurs will say about Pedilanthus.

Pedilanthus for home: signs and superstitions

Florists advise not to forget that Pedilanthus needs good lighting, so north-facing windows will not suit it. In summer, plants feel great outdoors or on a balcony if they are protected from direct sunlight on the leaves. Feng Shui practitioners recommend placing a flowerpot in the Family Zone (west side of the house) or in the Health Zone (east): here the flower will bring the greatest benefit to household members.

Superstitions about the influence of Pedilanthus on women and men

Like Ficus Benjamina, Pedilanthus Titimaloid is considered an unfavorable flower for girls of marriageable age: rumor attributes to it the properties of "driving-men-away". If you want to find your feminine happiness, then keeping it in the house is not recommended, but Pedilanthus placed in the office will not affect your personal life.

Being in the workplace, the flower promotes career advancement. At the same time, connoisseurs will note an interesting detail: contrary to the popular belief that stolen flowers bring good luck, only an honestly acquired stalk of a plant contributes to professional growth.

But if the plant was not stolen by you, but from you (this also applies to branches broken off without permission), then superstitions portend you big changes in your life. Good or bad - it's hard to say, because significant events are always accompanied by certain difficulties. The final assessment of life changes depends on your mental attitude.

A pot with Pedilanthus given to a man or woman is considered a good omen, symbolizing the imminent changes in everyday life for the better. It can be either a sudden appearance of money for a long-awaited repair, or relocation with better conditions.

Pedilanthus: signs in appearance

When a plant gets sick, of course, first of all, you need to make sure that you take proper care of the flower: Pedilanthus, although unpretentious, still needs good lighting, regular watering and periodic feeding.

If the bush is provided with everything you need, but still began to wither, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the superstitions that are associated with how the "devil's backbone" looks:

1. When the tips of the leaves begin to dry on the plant, you should pay attention to the health of the household members: perhaps one of the relatives will soon get sick.

2. The leaves can change their color; this is interpreted as a sign of a change in your life: if pedilanthus leaves darkened – this is a sign of trouble, if they became lighter – you can expect favorable events.

3. If the colorful leaves of Pedilanthus bent down and do not even rise towards the sun - get ready for temporary difficulties at work: there will be a delay in moving up the career ladder, stagnation in the professional sphere or a creative crisis, lack of inspiration.

4. If the leaves brighten and fall off, exposing the stems: people believe that the plant is "sad", anticipating separation from someone close. A sign does not speak of necessarily painful parting, just one of the household members can leave the family for a long time, for example, go on a business trip.

5. If the plant stubbornly refuses to please you with its flowers, you should pay attention to the atmosphere in the house - Pedilanthus is sensitive to negative energies, it will not bloom where there is a lot of swearing and showdowns.

6. A rotting Pedilanthus flower with proper watering is considered a very bad omen, a warning of danger, an accident that threatens someone from your home.

However, you do not need to be too upset if your flower suddenly begins to show signs of some negative omens and superstitions about pedilanthus. The objective reasons why a bush can get sick are not always obvious at first glance, so you should not attract negative events to yourself with excessive suspiciousness. If a person is resolute and optimistic about the future, then no bad omens and superstitions can scare him.

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