
Inventions inspired by the abilities of animals

    Nature is the endless source of inspiration for man. Its creations from the most ancient years have been shaking humanity with their impeccability and thoughtfulness. Therefore, it is no wonder that many inventors were inspired by nature and animals, which are endowed with amazing abilities.

  • 1. Gecko paws and superglue

    Scientists spied on the technology of creating a super-sticky substance from geckos. The paws of lizards are covered with special microscopic hairs that allow them to grip any hard surface. In combination with tendons and skin, they create a soft surface layer that can adhere to anything without the use of moisture and sticky secretions.

    Elastomers, special polymers with high elasticity and viscosity, were used to create superglue with imitation of the gripping abilities of a gecko. The substance perfectly attaches to super-rigid materials in a matter of seconds.

  • 2. Woodpecker and black box

    Every day, the woodpecker works no worse than a jackhammer, but its brain remains intact and functions unchanged. What's the secret of this bird? There are several absorbing mechanisms in the bird's skull that help minimize damage during the hunt - this is the hyoid (a small bone that supports the tongue), muscles, cerebrospinal fluid.

    Scientists have been able to adapt natural mechanisms to serve man. So the black box was created - a device for recording aircraft flight parameters. It is equipped with special protection, allowing it to survive even during serious disasters.

  • 3. Elephant and robotic arm

    The robotic arm wouldn't be as functional if it wasn't for the elephants. It was the device of the animal's trunk that formed the basis of the invention. The robotic arm can grab objects of different diameters and lift heavy loads.

  • 4. Lobster and x-ray

    Lobsters can see right through you! The fact is that due to the depth of their habitat, where almost nothing is visible, these large sea crayfish have learned to see through objects. Having studied the structure of the visual organs of the lobster, scientists have created an apparatus that can see through walls and a telescope that allows you to study space from rockets and Earth satellites.

  • 5. Spider and Kevlar

    Fishing nets were created thanks to the observation of spiders by ancient people. But this is not the only invention that these arthropods have inspired man. The web became the prototype of kevlar, a material used to improve the protective properties of bulletproof vests. Also, thanks to the cobweb, an elastic bandage was created.

  • 6. Whales and sonar

    Whales and dolphins by nature have a built-in sonar that allows them not to collide with objects under water and find relatives at a distance of tens of kilometers. Man could not pass by such a natural device and adapted it to his needs.

  • 7. Starfish and cloning

    Starfish know the secret of eternal youth, as they have learned to clone themselves. These animals are able to reproduce a special kind of ageless DNA, which reliably protects the body from aging and various harmful factors.

    Scientists are confident that they will soon be able to understand how to use this ability for the benefit of man. Today, researchers are doing testing. In 2020, they succeeded in cloning a calf named Flower.

  • 8. Owl and soundproofing

    We should thank the owls for the creation of soundproof materials. These predators move so silently that even the most attentive rodent cannot notice them. "Ninja ability" is present in owls due to the special design of feathers. The microwave and divisions they contain isolate the airflow, preventing pops and any other noise that may occur during flight.

  • 9. Claws and penknife

    Felines have won the hearts of most people on the planet. At the same time, they not only touch us, but also inspire us! According to one version, it was cat's claws that became the prototype of penknives. The animal easily hides and releases claws that are sharp like sabers with lightning speed, which is very similar to the device of a folding knife.

  • 10. Fireflies and diodes

    While some researchers are trying to get hold of the secrets of bioluminescence, characteristic of some animals and fungi, others have decided to study fireflies thoroughly. By understanding the principle of light used by insects, scientists were able to create a unique LED. The invention gives 55% more light than classic LEDs.

  • 11. Worm and drilling rig

    Most types of worms move through the ground, pushing and passing it through themselves at the same time. According to this principle, modern drilling machines are designed.

    By closely observing nature, scientists and researchers have been able to recreate its masterpiece and accelerate technological progress significantly. However, this is not the limit. The surrounding world is so diverse that it can inspire a person to new, even greater discoveries.

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