Interesting facts about confectionery
- 1. The word "candy" is translated from Latin as "cooked potion". In the 16th century, candied fruits were sold in pharmacies for medicinal purposes. Currently, the term refers to a wider range of confectionery.
- 2. In the 19th century, the most high-ranking and noble people hid sweets at noble receptions. This was explained by the fact that in some lands at that time there were no confectionery shops and each confectioner made sweets according to his own recipe, which were kept secret and passed on only by inheritance.
- 3. Marmalade is translated as "jam" from German. Marmalade appeared in Europe after the Crusades to Asia. It is Asia that is the birthplace of these sweets. Marmalade is considered one of the most useful sweets that contain pectin. Pectin reduces the risk of cholesterol disease, has a good effect on the skin and does not contain fat.
- 4. Most beloved word for a sweet tooth "chocolate" comes from the Aztec word for "bitter water". Initially, they only drank chocolate.
- 5. In Bavaria, they prefer beer-filled sweets, and in France, cheese sweets are popular. Each country has its own sweets, which differ in taste and ingredients. Sweets are not always sweet, as it turns out, and many are prepared without added sugar.
- 6. Students in Japan take Kit Kat chocolates with them to exams as talismans. This is due to the fact that "Kit Kat" is consonant with "Kitto Katsu" ("win for sure").
- 7. The very first chocolate candy is praline. It was first prepared by a chef for a foreign ambassador and is now one of the most famous and popular sweets in Switzerland and Germany.
- 8. Dark and bitter chocolate is the healthiest. A small daily intake of dark chocolate will protect against sun damage and prevent premature skin aging. Dark chocolate improves blood flow and reduces the risk of blood clots.
- 9. Coffee candies increase mental and physical activity, increase reaction time and reduce fatigue and drowsiness.
- 10. British scientists have proven that eating dark chocolate prevents premature aging, and dark chocolate is very useful for losing weight. It reduces cravings for salty and sweet. 100 grams of dark chocolate can satisfy hunger and reduce appetite.