Feng Shui office - rules for the location of cabinets, furniture, lighting.

What are the main rules of Feng Shui for business?
How should you arrange your office in accordance with Feng Shui?
What is the correct office structure for successful business according to Feng Shui?
Office front door
The front door of your office should be solid (without glass), large and open outward in a favorable direction for the head of the office according to the gua number.
It is not good when the door faces a row of elevators or directly to the escalator, stairs, toilet, the window, or is located at the end of a long corridor, because deadly qi accumulates in it, is directed at you.
It is just as bad, when the front door of your office is located directly opposite the entrance to another office, it will lead to a confrontation. If such a situation nevertheless occurred, it is necessary to place both doors exactly on the same line, in order to reduce disagreements with neighbors.
But the doors inside the office should never be located on the same straight line; they should force the qi to flow along the winding path.
Protruding corners
Beware of protruding corners, as they are considered unfavorable. They can be compared to sharp knives or index fingers pointed menacingly at a person. There are several ways to dissipate the harmful energy emitted by such "poison arrows": these are entwined plants (if they wither or die, they will need to be replaced), you can also line the corner with a mirror or hang a crystal ball to smooth out the edge of the protruding corner.
Reception zone
The reception area of your office should not be cluttered with various things (boxes, old newspapers, etc.). It should be well lit, even at night, this will increase the supply of Yang energy that is favorable for the office.
Use mirrors to give the illusion of more space. Only the front door should not be reflected in the mirror, otherwise luck will slip out of the office.
If there is a secretary in the reception, then he/she should not sit facing the front door. It is also recommended to install a partition that does not allow you to see the main part of the office from the front.
A model of a ship or sailboat placed in the reception area will bring wealth to the office. Important: it should swim into the room, and not swim out of it (it is even better to choose a favorable direction according to the gua number of the head of the company).
It is better to fill the hold of such a ship with treasures (coins, gold bars, money, precious stones, expensive jewelry), this promises good luck.

Managers' offices
A place of wealth in any room is considered to be the corner diagonally from the front door. The higher position in the company you occupy on your floor, the further away your office should be.
It is better if such an office meets the following principles of Feng Shui:
- Be regular in shape, avoid triangular and L-shaped offices. If you were offered such an office, and you have no choice, you need to install a few additional lamps in the corner of the L-shaped room; this will correct the situation partially.
- A large mirror will also help correct the irregular shape of your office. In order for the mirror in the office to double luck, and not bad luck, you need to position it properly. Mirrors should never reflect toilets, rubbish bins, etc.
- Protruding corners must be blocked with plants or furniture.
- No open bookshelves, they act like knives piercing a person.
- If your window overlooks the edge of a building, always cover the window with a curtain.
Work table location
The location of your desk affects how you work greatly. A favorable location ensures good luck in work. Otherwise, there may be difficulties.
7 tips for desk positioning that will help you avoid mishaps at work:
- Never sit with your back to the window; this suggests lack of support. The exception is when the window overlooks a taller building that provides you with support, or a bank. If there are none, then in order to smooth out the negative impact, you need to curtain the window. It is recommended to have a wall behind you, and even better, hang a picture of a mountain on it; this will provide you with reliable support.
- Don't sit with your back to the door. This is fraught with betrayal by colleagues or subordinates.
- Don't sit face to face with any of your co-workers; this will lead to hostility in the relationship.
- Do not sit too close to someone, because exhaustion and lack of qi in the nearby space is possible.
- Do not sit so that the door to your office "crashes" into you, this threatens with illness.
- Nothing should obstruct the passage to your office, this suggests obstacles at work.
- Remove any objects that threaten the door to your office, or block them off with a screen, houseplant, etc.
The best desk location is in the center of the room. You should sit facing the door and towards one of your auspicious directions. Windows on the left or right are allowed.
Career growth
If you want your efforts to be appreciated and you climb the career ladder, then you should hang a portrait of the company's head on the northwestern wall of your office or home. You will have more opportunities for advancement in your career.

Office lighting
The front part of the office should always be well lit - this is a good office Feng Shui.
Table lamps located at the back are extremely unfavorable and lead to treachery and betrayal.
The overhead light should also illuminate the front of the desktop.
In a poorly lit office, subordinates experience apathy and reduced performance.
Documents Feng Shui
You can also activate good luck in the office with the help of Feng Shui symbols. You can improve everything that you use at work, for example, you can stick auspicious hieroglyphs, or “prosperity coins” to folders with important documents.
If you energize your cash register in this way, your profits will increase.
A dragon, turtle, or "five bats of abundance" attached to invoices will also lead you to prosperity.
Bookmarks made of carved jade figurines and metal coins tied with a red cord are very useful.
Company logo by Feng Shui
It is good if your company logo has a favorable symbolic meaning.
Feng Shuists most often use images of dragons, turtles, birds, fish, sailboats for this, and almost never choose abstract compositions in which sharp corners are directed to their names and surnames on business cards.
Avoid emblems that taper down. The colors on the logo should not conflict with each other.
Compatibility is determined using the theory of the interaction of the five elements. So, for example, red goes well with green and yellow. Red is compatible with black and blue is less favorable. The combination of black and white is considered the most successful, which symbolizes the balance of Yin and Yang.
Never step on the logo or the name of the company; this can lead to a decrease in profits and financial losses. Therefore, you should not place these important symbols on carpets or make them part of a mosaic floor pattern.
You can improve the Feng Shui of your office with a foot mat by attaching three Chinese "prosperity coins" tied with a red cord to the back of it. In this case, every time you cross the threshold of the office (you can also do it at home), you will “walk on gold” symbolically.
Feng Shui about computer
The most favorable sector for the location of the computer is the northwest and west. These are places in which the element of metal attracts good luck in finding a patron and promotes acquaintance with influential people.

Feng Shui of the meeting room
If you often have to attend meetings, here are some Feng Shui tips to help you get lucky at these events:
- It is better to sit as far as possible from the front door - diagonally from it.
- There should be a solid wall behind you to provide support.
- You should not sit with your back to the window, especially if it is one of the floors of a high-rise building.
- Do not sit with your feet to the door or your back to the door, this is considered an unfortunate position.
- Avoid exposed ceiling beams or sharp corners (“poison arrows”) pointing at you.