
10 unusual varieties of ice cream from all over the world

    Ice cream is a summer treat that can be eaten at other times of the year. This is a delicious, tender and sweet delicacy that is loved by adults and children. There are a huge number of tastes, which makes it possible for everyone to find the best taste for themselves. New and interesting flavors are constantly emerging.

    However, it is becoming more and more difficult to create new flavors, so ice cream manufacturers come up with simply incredible flavors to attract customers. You will be surprised when you find out what flavors are available to customers today.

  • 1) Akutaq. The name already gives the impression that this is something strange. Strain your imagination and imagine whipped fat with berries and sugar. Have you imagined it? Now imagine adding fish to it. Such an unusual ice cream is called Akutaq. This is a delicacy of Eskimo cuisine. If your taste buds want to try something exotic, this ice cream will definitely appeal to you. It is very difficult to describe the taste of this delicacy - you need to try it yourself to understand it.

  • 2) Beer flavored ice cream. Yes, beer ice cream already exists. Stanley Kwak spent a lot of time and effort in order to create such a delicacy. If you like beer, this ice cream will be to your taste. All exotic lovers are also recommended to try it at least once.

  • 3) Chameleon ice cream. As the name implies, this is something interesting. The bottom line is that the delicacy changes its color in the process of eating. At first it has blue color, and it gradually becomes purple, and then completely pink. You can try such an interesting ice cream in Spain.

  • 4) Ice cream with the taste of sardines and the aroma of the Christmas tree. Some chefs love to surprise. One person came up with the idea of combining ingredients that cannot be combined. Ice cream has received the beautiful name "Northern Delight". It includes sardines, but it does not smell like fish at all, but, suddenly, a Christmas tree. This happened due to the fact that coniferous extract is used in the recipe. Due to this, a similar smell was obtained.

  • 5) Ice cream with the taste of incense. Now let's talk about the delicacy that appeared in the East. There grows a tree called boswellia, from which the inhabitants collect frankincense resin. That is what is used in the preparation of this ice cream. In fact, this delicacy turned out quite by accident. Trygve Harris, who owns a large essential oil company, visited Salalah, where she tasted milk that tasted incredible.

  • 6) Ice cream with garlic flavor. It is not difficult to create such ice cream. First you need to grind garlic into puree, and then mix it with boiling milk, adding the egg yolk mashed with sugar. After that, the resulting mass must be frozen. Not everyone will like this delicacy.

  • 7) Ice cream with the taste of haggis (bull innards). This dish came to us from Scotland. There, some mutton innards are mixed with onions and lard, and then boiled in the ram's stomach. And how did someone come up with the idea of making such ice cream? It was prepared for one of the festivals. This person must have had a very specific taste.

  • 8) Ice cream from crocodile eggs. Visit the Philippines if you want to enjoy an unusual delicacy that you can't taste anywhere else. Locals consider this ice cream to be very healthy. They say that it has much less cholesterol; it is perfect for those on a diet.

  • 9) Cheeseburger flavored ice cream. If you love American fast food, you should visit Heladeria Coromoto, which is located in South America. It is worth noting that this cafe was even included in the Guinness Book of Records for the largest number of ice cream flavors available. To date, there you can try more than 900 different flavors. However, only 70 different flavors are offered there every week. Here you can find really amazing and unusual tastes that you will not find anywhere else.

  • 10) Grass-flavored ice cream. We finish our list with one of the most unusual tastes. A chemist was experimenting with grass to make ice cream out of it. And he did it! However, you should add a few balls of classic ice cream to such ice cream to sweeten the treat a little.

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